
Kit K.

$30 Hourly

Background Check Ready
  • Available online and in person
  • Willing to travel 40 miles

Kit's Bio & Tutoring Experience

I began teaching academic writing as a graduate student at East Carolina Univerisity. Since I left ECU, I have lived in several different countries, working as an academic English teacher in both native and non-native English environments. In Prague, Czech Republic, I taught English as a Second Language as well as journalism and creative writing. In working with and writing for non-native speakers, I developed a greater appreciation for writing in English and the importance of context and purpose in writing. I am working on a PhD in cultural studies through Charles University, Prague.

In Australia and New Zealand, I taught academic and persuasive writing in both face-to-face classes and online. In addition to these, as well as cultural studies courses for native and non-native English-speaking undergraduates, I also taught post-graduate non-native speakers in the Queensland University of Technology International College and Central Queensland University; these students had been accepted into graduate programs in business and the hard sciences, but needed to upgrade their English-language writing skills in order to fulfill class assignments. The knowledge I gained about cross-cultural communication has helped me better understand and appeal to the differences between student learning styles, even in native English speakers.

In 2014, I returned to Greenville, NC, and have been teaching as an adjunct at ECU and local community colleges.

Kit's Expertise

English: APA Format, Creative Writing, Grammar, Literature, MLA Format, Reading, Technical Writing , Writing/Essay
Study Skills: Homework Coach, Organization, Study Skills, Time Management

Kit's Education & Certifications

I am a graduate of East Carolina’s English Department with an MA in Literature where I helped to develop The Writing Center and the Writing Across the Curriculum programs, which have helped me throughout both my writing and teaching careers.

Kit's References

References available to members only

Kit's Availability

Day Date Time
Sunday 09/08/2024  
Monday 09/09/2024  
Tuesday 09/10/2024  
Wednesday 09/11/2024  
Thursday 09/12/2024  
Friday 09/13/2024  
Saturday 09/14/2024