Clinton C.
Background Check Ready
- Available online only
- Willing to travel 0 miles
Clinton's Bio & Tutoring Experience
I am a college graduate with experience in business related fields, and language. I double majored in Marketing and French, and am also skilled in essay writing.
Clinton's Expertise
Business: | Communications, Business Strategy, Sales, Public Speaking, Microeconomics, Marketing, Managerial Economics, Macroeconomics, Human Resources, Ethics, Entrepreneurship, Economics |
English: | APA Format, Creative Writing, Grammar, Literature, MLA Format, Reading, Technical Writing , Writing/Essay |
History: | World History, Latin American History, US History, European History, U.S. Government |
Languages: | English (US), French, German |
Standardized Tests: | SAT Language, SAT Writing, SAT History, ACT Writing, ACT Reading, ACT English |
Study Skills: | Homework Coach, Organization, Project Management, Self Study, Study Skills, Study Tactics, Test Taking, Time Management |
Clinton's Education & Certifications
I have my undergraduate degree in Marketing and French from the University of North Alabama, and am half way through the MBA program.
Clinton's References
Clinton's Availability
Day | Date | Time |
Sunday | 09/08/2024 | 5:00AM - 4:45AM |
Monday | 09/09/2024 | |
Tuesday | 09/10/2024 | |
Wednesday | 09/11/2024 | |
Thursday | 09/12/2024 | |
Friday | 09/13/2024 | |
Saturday | 09/14/2024 |